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10:00 AM10:00

Healing Early Developmental Trauma - 1 Day Workshop in Cork

Workshop Description

This workshop with Dr Stephen Terrell covers the theory & practice of Transforming Touch®.

 It will include a screening of 'Healing - The Power of Presence', a conversation between Dr Stephen Terrell & Dr Tony Bates.

 What is Transforming Touch®? 

Transforming Touch® is a regulation focused therapy, that uses safe touch to heal and repair early developmental trauma in children, adolescents & adults. It was devised by Dr. Stephen Terrell and works with a 7-point protocol to build attachment and somatic trust in the body. Over time enhancements & the integration of primitive reflexes are incorporated. The practitioner meets the client exactly where they are with presence, regulation and compassion, allowing them to open to the possibility of healing. It’s a relational, non-pathologising approach that is profoundly healing at a nervous system level. It brings together several disciplines including Attachment Theory, Neuroscience, Child Development Theory, Trauma & Somatics.

 What is covered?

This workshop will give learners an overview of how Transforming Touch® is delivered and the power of therapeutic touch in healing early trauma.  

The program for the day will include the following:

  • Lectures & practical teaching including skill-building. Learn the importance of touch in healing early adversity and some basic touch skills that you can integrate into your practice. 

  • Screening of ‘Healing – The Power of Presence’ – A recorded conversation between Dr Stephen Terrell & Dr Tony Bates, Clinical Psychologist & mindfulness practitioner. Come and hear Dr Terrell’s own story and how the modality developed over time. See a very powerful and rich exchange between two stalwarts of mental health healing & innovation. 

  •   A live demonstration of Transforming Touch®. Witness for yourself the depth & power of this approach, as Dr Terrell applies the principles of Transforming Touch® in a live demo. 

  • A panel discussion between a variety of Irish professionals who are already integrating this ground-breaking modality into their work. 

  • Q&A During the day, there will be plenty of opportunity to ask questions with a focus on interactive & participative learning, drawing on everyone’s experience. 

This workshop also serves as an introduction to the Transforming Touch® Practitioner Training beginning in 2025 at the Avila Carmelite Centre, Dublin.

September 25-28 2025 - Module 1

January 22-25 2026 - Module 2

April 30 - May 3 2026 - Module 3


More information –

Who is Dr. Stephen Terrell?

Dr. Terrell, Psychologist and Psychotherapist, is a leading expert in the field of Developmental Trauma and Adoption and is recognised worldwide for his work in this area. He is based near Austin Texas in the US and regularly visits Ireland to provide training in Transforming Touch® & to support practitioners who are already using the work. He is co-author of the book ‘Nurturing Resilience’ with Kathy L. Kain. In this book, they draw on fifty years of their combined clinical and teaching experience to provide a clear road map for understanding & working with the complexities of early trauma and its related symptoms. Dr. Terrell advocates moving from a symptom-led framework & diagnostics to acknowledging every client’s presentation as normal, based on what they have experienced.


Who is Dr. Tony Bates?

Dr. Bates is a renowned clinical psychologist. Formerly the head of the Department of Psychology at St James’s Hospital, Dublin, he established the MSc in Cognitive Psychotherapy at Trinity College Dublin and founded Jigsaw, the National Centre for Youth Mental Health. He was made honorary Professor of Psychology in UCD in September 2018 as a tribute to his contribution to the field. He trained as a mindfulness teacher in University of North Wales, Bangor in 2001 and has been active since in disseminating Mindfulness in Ireland. He regularly appears on the Brendan O’Connor Show on RTÉ Radio 1 and is a published author. In his recently published book  ‘Breaking the Heart Open’, he describes how his childhood trauma impacted his life & informed the direction of his work and his philosophy as a psychologist.

Who is this workshop for?

 This workshop is open to all healing professionals that would like to know more about Transforming Touch® & how to work with early developmental trauma. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Social Workers, Art or Music Therapists

  • Psychiatrists, Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, Chiropractors, Allied Health Professionals, Occupational Therapists.

  • Body Workers, Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Cranial Sacral Therapists

  • Somatic therapists – having attended Somatic Experiencing Training, Sensory Motor Training, Hakomi Training, or a Somatic Training Program, Touch Skills for Therapists, or Somatic Resilience and Regulation

It's also open to anyone wanting to know more about early developmental trauma. And those who are interested in Transforming Touch® as a possible healing modality option for themselves, their family or loved ones. 

click here To Book

 Course Details

 DURATION: 1 Day    DATE: 29th April 2025

 TIMETABLE: Tuesday 10am to 4.30 pm 

Registration open from 9.30am

 VENUE: Rochestown Park Hotel, Rochestown Road, Douglas, Cork, T12 AKC8


Full Price: €150 including lunch.

Early Bird Price: €125 for tickets purchased before March 7th 2025

Click Here To Book

 For more information please contact:

Róisín Sweeney,  Speech & Language Therapist, SEP, TTP / 087 9160919

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7:00 PM19:00

An Evening with Marianne Williamson

We are thrilled to welcome Marianne back to Dublin after her Presidential run!

In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, “We need quantitative changes in our circumstances as well as qualitative shifts in our souls.”

With a Presidential run in the United States as well as the recent publication of her newest book, THE MYSTIC JESUS: The Mind of Love, Marianne Williamson has mined the depths of both external and internal change. Join her for an evening of reflection on both the political as well as spiritual shifts occurring in the world today, what they mean in the larger arc of history, and how we can direct them in the most positive ways.

About the speaker, Marianne Williamson

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For more than four decades, Marianne Williamson has been a leader in spiritual and religiously progressive circles. She is the author of 16 books, four of which have been #1 New York Times best sellers. A quote from the mega-bestseller A Return to Love, “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.

Williamson founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit organization that has delivered more than 16 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients in the Los Angeles area since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger and racial reconciliation issues. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and supported the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace. Williamson ran for the democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States in both 2020 and 2024. 

In May 2024, Marianne’s latest book was published by HarperOne, titled THE MYSTIC JESUS: The Mind of Love.

Lynne McTaggart Event October 18th CLICK HERE

 This event is partnered with Positive Life Magazine

Marianne Williamson 30th May 2025 7-8.45pm

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9:30 AM09:30

Lynne McTaggart - The Power of Intention

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and author of seven books, including the the international bestsellers The Power of Eight, The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond—all seminal works in the New Science and translated into 30 languages.

Over the years, Lynne has been called a ‘metaphysical rock star’, ‘the Madonna of the Quantum World’, ‘the Malcolm Gladwell of the New Science’, and even ‘The Dalai Mama'.

Now, she’s leading the call for a new way and a new world, with the Intention Revolution – a revolution enabling us to transform ourselves, our loved ones and the world. 

Besides pioneering Power of Eight® group intention, Lynne has lately developed a method of using intention to ‘time travel,’ a new technique that not only heals issues in the present but also those of the past. 

Invariably, as she has discovered, when people are not achieving their goals they are being sabotaged by events in the past. However, the lingering effect of these past hurts can be overcome with special intention techniques, no matter how long ago or deeply embedded.

She’s also developed a new technique for a Power of Eight® group to collectively ‘time travel’ forward, mapping – and ultimately manifesting – a powerful rewarding future and life purpose for each individual group member. 

Many of Lynne’s students have discovered that the intention techniques ‘backward and forward in time’ are among the most transformational work she offers

This event is shared with Positive Life

Early bird price €120

After July 30th - €150

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10:00 AM10:00

Lorie Ladd Workshop


We are thrilled to announce the return of the wonderful author, speaker, and spiritual teacher: Lorie Ladd! Join us on Sunday, March 23rd in the Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan from 10:00AM to 18:00PM for a fantastic full day workshop.

Tickets Available At:

Spend a day with Lorie experiencing a deeper sense of freedom and purpose in your life.

This workshop will offer…

  • An Interactive conversation with Lorie

  • A deep powerful, guided meditation

  • An opportunity to join Lorie on stage and ask your personal questions

We look forward to you joining us as we come together to raise our collective consciousness to new heights and experience the freedom within!

About Lorie
Lorie Ladd is an author, spiritual teacher, and thought leader specializing in the evolution of human consciousness. Her teachings and guidance have helped millions of people navigate the current planetary shifts, embody Sovereignty, and remember the divine design held within the human experience.

Lorie found her life purpose at 13 when she simply knew she would assist humanity through the miraculous and divine collective awakening humanity is experiencing now. But it wasn’t until 2015, after leading an almost normal life, which included a MA in Psychology,  teaching hot yoga,  a corporate job, and a fiancée, that she fully committed to her mission.

Head here to see more from Lorie:

Tickets Available At:

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9:30 AM09:30

The Courage To Be True

Brian Smyth

Author of The Courage To Be True

John Lonergan

Author of The Governor and former Governor of Mountjoy Prison

 Exploring the Challenge  to be Authentic in Work and Life with Brian Smyth

 You are invited to  join Brian Smyth, author of The Courage to Be True, along with a diverse group of experienced leaders for a unique forum on how we can embrace be truly authentic in our work lives and within organisations.

This will be a follow up  to the first forum which was held on the 22nd of November and is built on the belief that true success and fulfilment only come when we have the courage to be ourselves and live our genuine values. Without this, both individuals and organisations pay the price — something we are already witnessing in society today.

You will be joined and helped in working on this important topic by people with real lived experience of dealing with this challenge.  People like:

  • John Lonergan, Former Governor of Mountjoy Prison

  • Diarmuid O’Connor, Ex-Operations Director Eli Lilly Kinsale

  • Fiona Pryle, Advocate for Victims of Domestic Abuse

  • Gema de la Rosa, Director of the International School of Applied Enneagram.

This forum,  like the first one, will be different — it’s not about receiving expert ‘silver bullets’ or ready-made solutions. Instead, we will work together to share insights and ideas  and above all lived experiences on how to foster a shift towards authenticity in how we work and lead organisations into the future.

We hope you can join us for this collaborative event so that we can begin a process of real change in how we work and live.

This is not a commercial event and we are asking for a donation of €50 to cover costs


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10:00 AM10:00

Workshop: Byron Katie's 'The Work' with Dr. Nadine Ferris France


We are delighted to welcome Nadine back to give this workshop on The Work of Byron Katie - Do You Believe Everything You Think? Nadine has given a Tedx talk in Thailand and gives her talks and workshops globally.

Nadine will support you to identify and question stressful thoughts and beliefs using The Work of Byron Katie – a method of self-inquiry. Self-inquiry is simple, effective and extremely powerful in dealing with stress, improving communication and improving relationships. The result – peace, clarity and a kinder, clearer mind. We aim to help you become aware of the effect your thinking has on your life.  We will question beliefs in many aspects of our lives such as relationships (also the one with ourselves), money and more. 

Nadine is a Certified Facilitator of the Work of Byron Katie.  She gives workshops and retreats and facilitates individuals and groups all over the world. She specializes in working with beliefs and thinking that keep us stressed or hold us back from achieving our full potential. With an unusual background in international development Nadine, originally from Dublin, spent 20 years living in the developing world, working with communities on issues including self-stigma, shame, gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS.

More about Nadine here: 

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7:00 PM19:00

Peace Intention Experiment - Lynne McTaggart

From lowering war casualties to healing the blind:

the first scientific proof of the extraordinary power of group thoughts

 Join  the world’s largest Intention Experiment to heal violence – and heal yourself

 Have you ever wondered whether there’s any real scientific proof that our thoughts truly affect reality? Or if a group holding the same intention together can magnify the effect?

 If so, we have a special FREE treat for you. Gaia, the leading platform for conscious media, has just released The Power of Intention, a documentary about my dear friend Lynne McTaggart, an award-winning journalist and internationally bestselling author, proving that thoughts can heal ourselves, each other and the world.

 Here's the link to watch for free now (scroll down to bottom of page):

 In the documentary, Lynne decisively demonstrates that group thoughts are capable of extraordinary feats, from lowering violence in specific cities to healing people of so-called ‘incurable’ conditions, including genetic diseases or even looming blindness. 

 In 2007, Lynne created The Intention Experiment to test how the power of thought to heal things in the world.  Could it cure cancer?  Or end a war?

 She set up a great variety of experiments with reputable scientists at prestigious academic centers like the University of California, University of Arizona and Princeton, and then invited her international audience to be the group intenders. 

 Over the years, Lynne and the scientists have tested the power of intention on everything from purifying polluted water to lowering violence in war-torn areas, and you’ll see the amazing results in this documentary.

 Watch for free now:

But that’s not all, The Power of Intention also reveals the healing power of small group intention, or what Lynne calls ‘The Power of Eight®.’ 

 You’ll hear from numerous people with medically incurable conditions, such as one woman with a genetic liver disease due to have a liver transplant, another faced with growing blindness and a third suffering from scoliosis,  and discover the miraculous effects of group intention firsthand.  

 You’ll also witness what Lynne calls the extraordinary Mirror Effect of group intention and how it can heal the healers. 

 More than a third of her Intention Experiment participants experience improved medical conditions or even complete healings. Some 40 % heal their relationships, including with estranged family members, enemies or even people with different political beliefs.  Half of those who take part say they feel more love for everyone they come in contact with.

 You’ll see this in action on the documentary when you watch what happened when two groups of hated enemies took part in one of her experiments.

 Experience it for yourself!

  But the documentary is only the beginning.  You’re also invited to take part in the 2025 Peace Intention Experiment, Lynne’s largest Intention Experiment to date, which Lynne will be leading live at Gaia’s GaiaSphere in Colorado on February 1, 2025 and livestreaming around the world.  

 The livestream starts at 10 am Pacific/11 am Mountain time/ 1 pm Eastern/6 pm UK/7 pm European time.

 If you’d like to join this historic event and experience the Mirror Effect for yourself – it’s also FREE to all participants – just sign up again on the Peace Intention Experiment link on the page. (You’ll need to sign up for the experiment itself to participate.)

 After watching the documentary and participating in February 1’s Intention Experiment, you’ll be truly convinced that we can unleash this untapped power to heal ourselves, heal each other and heal the world! 

 Join the world’s largest Peace Intention Experiment on February 1 and prepare to have your mind blown!

 Sign up here (you must also sign up separately to see the livestream and take part in the experiment):


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7:00 PM19:00

Lee Harris - The Big Love Tour

An Evening with Lee Harris

Accompanied by Davor Bozic

Join acclaimed transformational teacher Lee Harris for an unforgettable evening in Dublin. At this special event, Lee will weave together his gifts of intuition, channeling, humor and music to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and provide you with valuable insight on how to handle some of life’s most common challenges. With a keen ability to read the energy of the room, he will directly address the core topics and themes relevant to those in attendance and will provide a heart-centered approach to fostering less stress, more happiness, and a greater sense of purpose.

Sharing the stage with Lee is composer and musician Davor Bozic, who will craft a live musical soundtrack for the evening, adding a layer of depth, resonance and healing to the experience. Join us for an unforgettable night and take the next step in your spiritual evolution


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10:00 AM10:00

Spiritual Firewall with Dorim Kim

Dorim spent 18years in England and Ireland before moving back to Korea in 2018. While in Ireland, he established an Oriental Medicine Clinic and founded the College of Alternative Medicine in Dublin. He also held seminars across Europe, sharing his knowledge in energy healing, meditation, acupuncture, and numerology collaborating with other Koreanexperts along the way.In 2016, while visiting Korea to teach Kinesiology, he met SeMyeong Seuseungnim –a neeting he describes as guided by nidana, or destined connection. After meeting Semyeong Seuseungnim, he realized how limited his knowledge andabilities were and instantly recognized the depth and nobility of SeMyeong Seuseungnim’s teachings.

It was a profound moment – meeting the true teacher he had been searching for all his life. This encounter led him to close his business and leave everything behind in Ireland to return to Korea. Since then, Dorim has dedicated himself to learning and working under his guidance for over 5 years. While learning and working under SeMyeong Seuseungnim, he hoped to return to Ireland and Europe to share the incredible teachings he had learned, knowing how beneficial they couldbe for people in Europe. After more than five years of preparation, he recently received permission to introduce these teachings internationally. This introductory seminar marks his first step outside of Korea.


Youtube link

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11:30 AM11:30

Coming Home with Miriam and Gerry Hussy

Soul Space presents "COMING HOME" our upcoming Immersive event in the National Concert Hall Dublin, November 10th  2024.

Soul Space, hosted by unrivalled minds and world leading voices in Human health and performance Gerry and Miriam Hussey, will deliver a truly transformative day, focusing on their integrated approach to human health and performance.

"Coming Home', will be a truly transformative and insightful experience where you will get to pause, let go and begin again. 

"Coming Home" will be a day that will: 

  • Enable you to refocus and re energise your life for greater clarity and confidence 

  • Cultivate sustainable inner peace even in a world with so many external challenges

  • Empower you with the tools and practices to let go of self-limiting beliefs and develop a breakthrough mindset to allow you to rise and thrive

  • Come home to your authentic self

During this unforgettable day, you will be immersed in an inspiring and healing experience that will open the heart, nourish the soul and awaken your sense of calm.

"Coming Home" will allow you to be transported to a serene and safe space, where time stands still, allowing you to be immersed in a healing journey of meditations, music and sound.  

​​​​​​A day not to be missed.


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10:00 AM10:00

Men Are From Mars, Women are From Venus - John Gray Workshop

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus is a bestselling book transforming our understanding of the opposite sex by the author John Gray, who joins us in Dublin to share his findings.

Make Up + Don’t Break Up

  • No one enjoys disagreements or arguments. The number one reason most couples fight is due to simple misunderstandings and built up resentment. John will share his practical solutions for finding the forgiveness to move past a fight and progress to a more loving, supportive relationship.

  • Better Sex + Deeper Intimacy

    • Sex directly nurtures our male and female sides more than anything a couple can do together. For most men, great sex creates intimacy. For most women, intimacy creates great sex. John will show you how to get out of the “roommate” rut with your partner, and (re)spark the powerful passion in your relationship.

  • How Hormones + Health Affect Your Relationship

    • The differences between the sexes can be directly attributed to our hormones. John shows you how balancing your hormones naturally will not only improve your relationships — but give you strength, energy, and resilience to cope with the stress of a modern lifestyle.

  • How to Find + Forever Love Your Soul Mate

    • Having a deeper understanding of men and women will help increase your levels of empathy so you can interpret behaviors correctly and act accordingly. If you’re single, this will help you move through the various stages of dating much more smoothly. It will also help married couples improve their communication at home.

Join world-renowned relationship expert, John Gray, for this transformative in-person event!

This event is partnered with Positive Life Magazine


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10:00 AM10:00

Bruce Lipton: Spontaneous Evolution - Full Day workshop

Spontaneous Evolution

Our Positive Future and A Way to Get There From Here

NASA scientists have established that civilization is facing an “irreversible” collapse within the next 20 years. The overriding problem recognized by science is that civilization requires 1.6 planet Earth’s to provide the needs for today’s society. Considering there is not an extra .6 Earth, civilization is imminently facing an unsustainable future.


Cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., offers a synthesis of science, evolutionary theory, and spiritual consciousness that provides unique insight into our current chaotic global situation and how we can move forward and thrive into the future. A renaissance in cellular biology has discovered the molecular mechanisms bridging the mind-body connection. Through these newly defined neural pathways, our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs actively create the conditions of our body and our place in the world.


In his dynamic and paradigm-shifting multimedia presentation, Bruce reveals the existence of an inherent repetitive pattern in Nature, one that has shaped the past ten thousand years of civilization’s and provides a future vision of our current evolutionary upheaval. Information will emphasize how cultural misperceptions, regarding physics, genetics, and Darwinian theory, have disempowered us and are directly contributing to today’s global crises.


The knowledge offered in this program will enable participants to take back creative control over their own lives and contribute to the planet’s higher evolutionary destiny. A miraculous healing awaits this planet once we accept our new responsibility to collectively tend the Garden rather than fight over the turf.

 Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., former medical school professor and epigenetic science pioneer, is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. For over ten years, Bruce has been listed in the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” by United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal.


This workshop is in partnership with Positive Life Magazine


AFTER MARCH 1ST 2024 - €150

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7:00 PM19:00

Bruce Lipton : Mind Over Genes - Evening Seminar

Dr Bruce Lipton

Mind Over Genes: Reclaiming Personal Empowerment

A renaissance in science is creating a genuine revolution in thought that shatters old myths and rewrites the story that will shape the future of human civilization. Once thought to be the domain of genes, the frontier science of Epigenetics reveals that the control of health and behavior are dynamically linked to the environment, and more importantly, to our perception of the environment.

Join cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., as he takes you on a fast-paced journey from the microcosm of the cell to the macrocosm of the mind. In a dynamic presentation designed for the lay audience, Bruce will describe the cellular master switches through which our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs control our genes and create the conditions of our body and our place in the world. This program emphasizes how developmental programming, through age 7, is responsible for the invisible and unconscious behaviors that create or undermine our health, our wishes, and our desires.

Knowledge is power. The knowledge of “self” provided in this presentation offers an opportunity to acquire self-empowerment and, in the process, evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators. Upon awakening to our inherent power, the choices and opportunities to manifest a better life and a better world become obvious.


Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., former medical school professor and epigenetic science pioneer, is the author of the bestselling books, The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution and The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce received the prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony. For over ten years, Bruce has been listed in the top 100 of “the world’s most spiritually influential living people” by United Kingdom’s Watkins Journal.


This seminar is in partnership with Positive Life Magazine

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7:00 PM19:00

Optimising Sleep: Gerri Mana - POSTPONED


The Importance of Sleep: Optimise Rest for High Performance

 In this engaging talk, sleep coach Gerri Mana will share her proven tips and strategies to help high-achieving people optimise sleep and energy so they can perform at peak levels personally and professionally.

 You'll discover:

  •  Cutting-edge sleep science insights and "big ideas" around rest

  • How to unwind your mind and body for effortless sleep 

  •  Establishing an evening routine that sets you up for stellar days

  •  Recharging rituals to revitalise from morning to night 

  •  Balancing rest, self-care, and shifting goal achievement to dreams and visions (and why that helps with sleep and long-term happiness) 

  •  Gerri explains her proprietary MM Method for transformative sleep and teaches you how to achieve a state of peace and relaxation in 1-2 seconds (with or without ceremonial grade chocolate!!!). 

  •  Tailoring sleep needs to your unique biology   

  •  Finally, how to equip your bedroom for the best night's sleep - every night

  •  And much more!

    This fun, informative talk will provide both inspiration and an immediate action plan so you can sleep your way to health, happiness, and professional success.


Gerri McMahon was working a gruelling 70-hour week as a Producer in the high-pressure television industry in London when she sought relief for an array of ailments from alternative therapies.

“I would stagger into the clinic for shiatsu or acupuncture or aromatherapy for my sore back, my allergies, my upset digestive system – all the result of my messed-up emotions and unbalanced lifestyle – and would walk out completely revived and renewed. It was miraculous! I was in awe of these healers.”

The crunch came when she was producing the popular Trisha show – Britain’s version of Jerry Springer – where vulnerable people were enticed to reveal their shameful secrets and relationship dramas in the name of entertainment.

“I made sure the guests (on Trisha), who often unleashed painful traumas, had a counselling session before they went home. But when the budget for counselling was cut, I couldn’t continue doing this any longer.”

After 10 years in the TV industry spanning her mid-20s to early-30s, Gerri made the break to pursue a career that would truly help people.

“I wanted to learn therapies and was intrigued by shiatsu. I loved this therapy the most, the results were often instant and I quite liked that clients still kept their clothes on during the treatment!

After an inspiring retreat in the picturesque English countryside, eating healthy veggie foods with lovely genuine people, I decided to study for a diploma, even though I was still cynical about ‘woo-woo’ stuff and spirituality.

“The course was life-changing, comprising a fascinating combination of Western anatomy and physiology and Chinese Medicine, as well as knowledge of the 150 acupuncture points and energy meridians that run through the body. It was hard work but amazing.”

The wild partying of her youth started to look shallow and futile as she embraced the new values of healing, clean living, loving nature and connecting with people in a heartfelt way.


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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Webinar - The Best Guru Teachings - Jane Stephenson

jane irish times photo.jpg

Jane has met and worked with a number of well known spiritual and personal development teachers and in this talk she aims to extract the best nuggets from their teachings and share them with you.

This informal chat is to inform you on the teachings that are out there and to hopefully inspire you to bring them into your life!

Jane has worked with Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Kim Eng, Marianne Williamson, Caroline Myss, Bruce Lipton, Tony Buzan, Robert Fisk and many other inspirational teachers

Zoom link to join this evening at 7pm - Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 849 2194 8405



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7:00 PM19:00

ZOOM SEMINAR POSTPONED - All You Need To Know About The Menopause - Catherine O'Keeffe

We have postponed this seminar until the Autumn.

  • Are you constantly exhausted from lack of sleep due to pesky night sweats?

  • Have you turned into Jekyll & Hyde with raging emotions?

  • Do you forget why you went to the press? 

  • Has your weight gone to the dark side?

  • Is anxiety becoming a norm in your life?

  • Do you know what can help?

All part of the menopause chapter, those hormonal changes creating seismic shifts in your life. And not always good….

As humans we don’t like change this is a well known Fact and Menopause is all about Change.

Good changes, bad changes…it’s a mixed bag. But it comes with symptoms that can really unsettle your life.

In this 1.30hr webinar you will:

  • Understand what menopause is and what happens in your body

  • Learn what symptoms can occur as our key hormones go into decline during this time

  • Learn about the symptoms no one wants to talk about

  • Understand your treatment options

  • Understand the non negotiable life style factors that you must look at to prepare best for these years.

Catherine O’Keeffe is a Menopause Workplace Consultant, founder of Wellness Warrior, and creator of the Menopause Success Summit. She helps organisations implement a comprehensive menopause strategy that leads to meaningful change. She’s helped over 150 companies choose support over silence including Workday International, StateStreet, Department of Health, Sainsburys, and Microsoft. Catherine is author of All you need to know about menopause and is on a mission to shatter the menopause taboo, for good.


Catherine Says

‘I’ve always had an interest in health and wellbeing, but it was when perimenopause took me by surprise at age 44 that I started focusing on women’s health specifically in this phase. 

What I found? Traditionally, there’s been very little support or understanding available for women going through the menopause. 

It’s almost like as a society, we’re afraid to talk about it. It’s almost like women are expected to close their mouths, grit their teeth, and get on with life as if everything is normal. 

But I know nothing is normal during the menopause’

10% of Menopause Summit 25TH SEPTEMBER 10am - 5pm with code SEMINARS


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7:00 PM19:00

CANCELLED - The New Consciousness Children - Dr Alweena Awan


This event has been cancelled. Bookings have been refunded

Children seem to be coming into this world in a more evolved and heightened state of awareness. Before they have been exposed to all of our incongruities and limitations, they are a immense source of wisdom and inspiration.

Greta Thunberg is an example of someone who has transgressed her conventional label of Asperger, and is showing the world that she is re-ordered not dis-ordered!

These children are connected, congruent, coherent , present and authentic .They state precisely what they know to be true for them. They speak from a place of certainty and authenticity about something that they genuinely feel, and then, most frequently, simply are present. Love, light, and compassion are the dominant themes of their inner remembering. They need to feels safe and nurtured so they can to speak of their own unique inner knowing about the world beyond this physical domain. In order to do so they need to feel safe and in control of their bodies via being Physically Literate.

 Yet these children seem to be misunderstood, constantly labelled, struggling in the education system and emotionally.

This seminar is about the following:

  • What are they like ?

  • What is the role of these children?

  • How do we best support and nurture them ?

  • Why Physical Literacy is important?

  • How is Physical Literacy hindered?

  • What kind of education do they need?

  • and the way forward!

This information will be of value to teachers, educators, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and anyone linked children.

Dr Alweena Awan received her Doctorate in “Raising Children's Learning and Performance in Schools”, in 2008. She is the Founder of The Child Centre Method - Learning and Behaviour Program®. She is also the originator of CHILD, which is the Centre for Holistic Improvement in Learning and Development, which she created in 2004.
Her knowledge and application of learning and behavioural improvement methodologies for children is unique. She is a published author on the subject of using holistic methods to help children learn . Specifically, she holds the greatest expertise in the identification and rehabilitation of retained reflexes and Physical Literacy. 

Dr Awan has  trained teachers, chiropractors, health care professionals, therapists and parents in her methods, and in the process has helped children to overcome a variety of challenges and to live more fulfilling lives. The Child Centre Method has been used in schools in the UK , Ireland, Brazil and Malaysia. 

Her experience as an academic, combined with her in depth learning and development of energetic medicinal practices make Alweena a unique figure in this field. She has successfully treated hundreds of clients with issues ranging from the physical, to the mental / emotional and spiritual.

More information here

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7:00 PM19:00

ZOOM SEMINAR: Beating Brain Fog - Dr Sabina Brennan

Dr Sabina Brennan

Dr Sabina Brennan


If you complain of brain fog to a medical professional, you’re likely to be told that it isn’t a recognised condition. But if you mention brain fog to your friends, they’ll know exactly what you mean: fuzzy thinking, trouble concentrating, a sense of grasping for the right word, feeling like your brain is somehow slowed down. In truth, brain fog is not a diagnosis in itself, but a sign that things aren’t right in your body.

 There have been over 67 million Google searches for ‘brain fog’ online, but most medical professionals claim there is no such thing. Sufferers are left frustrated and without help or treatment, but there is a way to beat brain fog.

Based on her book, BEATING BRAIN FOG, neuroscientist and health psychologist Dr Sabina Brennan will guide you through the science to explain how our brains work, and why we might experience confusion and anxiety. She gives tools to help identify your own cognitive profile, determining your specific symptoms and potential causes, and offers simple strategies to help you feel like yourself again.

 Dr Brennan addresses the multiple causes of brain fog from that caused by hormonal changes, ageing and chemotherapy, to childbirth, medications, ill health, stress and more. Many women first encounter brain fog after childbirth, and then again when perimenopause begins. As the conversation on hormonal imbalance grows, so does the search for solutions to brain fog. Dr Brennan also shows how clearer thinking starts in the gut and explains the importance of the gut/brain connection: what we eat affects how we think.

 Many brain fog symptoms can be eliminated through simple lifestyle changes addressing sleep, nutrition, exercise and stress.

 Offering simple solutions without any complicated tests or expensive supplements, Dr Brennan's 30-day plan is straightforward and easily adapted to your lifestyle. It helps you to tackle the lifestyle factors that can cause or exacerbate brain fog, helping you think faster, sharper and better in just one month.

 Dr Sabina Brennan is a chartered health psychologist, neuroscientist, award-winning science communicator, host of the critically-acclaimed Super Brain podcast, and author of the international bestseller 100 DAYS TO A YOUNGER BRAIN (Orion Spring).

 Dr Brennan leads a large-scale research study on Brain health, lifestyle, genomics and dementia risk at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland’s premier university. Dr Brennan has been engaged as an advisor to governments and global businesses influencing policy and practice in the areas of brain health, ageing, dementia, migraine and multiple sclerosis. She also volunteers on scientific advisory boards and advocacy panels supporting charities, non-profits and NGOs.


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7:00 PM19:00

Dr Bruce Lipton - Link to recording

A World In Evolution - Thriving Through Planetary Chaos

We are delighted to welcome Bruce back to Ireland in the Autumn. Having hosted him over Zoom during Covid we can welcome him in person on October 19th.

Read the news, surf the Web, or look out your window, and you will observe that civilization is in a world of crises: From economic collapse to environmental decay, from social and political upheaval to climate change, from hunger, poverty, war, to even a global pandemic.

Crisis ignites evolution! If today’s headlines make you wonder about the fate of our planet, here is some news that may surprise you, from an evolutionary standpoint, we are exactly where we need to be. We are surrounded by evidence that we are on the threshold of a major evolutionary event … Conscious Evolution.  

The turning point of change emerges as people awaken to their inherent power, a new force turning fear of an unwanted situation into hope of new possibilities. Cell biologist and bestselling author Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, presents revolutionary research that reveals how thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs create the conditions of our body and life experiences.

Bruce’s dynamic multimedia presentation provides new science to help navigate this turbulent period in our planet’s history, so that we may evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators of the world to come. The program offers a bold and hopeful vision of the next “holistic” stage of human civilization and how each of us can fully participate in creating the world to come.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., stem cell biologist, epigenetic science pioneer, and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution (with Steve Bhaerman) and The Honeymoon Effect. Bruce is a recipient of the prestigious Japanese Goi Peace Award in recognition of his outstanding contributions toward the realization of a peaceful and harmonious world for all life on Earth.

Bruce will explore:

  • How thoughts, emotions, and environment, control our genes and the character of our behavior

  • The interaction between the body (hardware), the mind (software), and spirit (programmer), that naturally occurs within you.

  • A biological model of mind-body interactions that educates, empowers, and promotes self-responsibility

  • How prenatal and perinatal experiences provide programmed subconscious perceptions that shape our physiology and behavior.

  • How to become the master of your fate rather than the ‘victim’ of your programs

  • The power of the subconscious: Reprogramming your deeply ingrained patterns to live the life you want

  • Why the often-dismissed Placebo Effect is your most powerful healing tool

  • The Nocebo Effect – The science of “negative thinking” and how to break free from the limiting stories we tell ourselves

  • Beyond “survival of the fittest” – How consciousness and cooperation are critical to civilization’s survival and growth

  • The scientific insights that reveal the nature and role of our immortal spirituality

  • The way to make success a self-fulfilling prophecy, rather than a day-to-day struggle

This event is co-hosted with Positive Life


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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Seminar: An Evening with Marianne Williamson: Where The World Is Today

Marianne is a familiar figure to Irish audiences having presented several live events in Ireland over the years. We now have the opportunity to connect with her online and hear about her latest words of wisdom in world today.

She ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 2020 and in 2021 she launched

Marianne is an internationally acclaimed spiritual author and lecturer. She has been a popular guest on television programs such as Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning America, Charlie Rose & Bill Maher. Seven of her twelve published books have been New York Times Best Sellers. Four of these have been #1. The mega best seller A Return to Love is considered a must-read of The New Spirituality. A paragraph from that book, beginning “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…” is considered an anthem for a contemporary generation of seekers.

Marianne’s other books include The Law of Divine CompensationThe Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman’s Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America, A Course in Weight Loss, The Gift of Change, Enchanted LoveA Year of Miracles, and her newest book, Tears to TriumphThe Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment

She founded Project Angel Food, a non-profit that has delivered more than 14 million meals to ill and dying homebound patients since 1989. The group was created to help people suffering from the ravages of HIV/AIDS. She has also worked throughout her career on poverty, anti-hunger and racial reconciliation issues. In 2004, she co-founded The Peace Alliance and supports the creation of a U.S. Department of Peace.

We are co-hosting this seminar with Positive Life

Please note the time difference. For American audiences this event will be much earlier.

Pacific Coast Time 11am

Eastern Time 2pm

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7:00 PM19:00

Dr Tony Humphreys - Understanding Teenagers: Sometimes Wild, Always Wise

Tony Humphreys2.jpg

Due to popular demand we have invited Tony back to give his excellent seminar on Teenagers.

Adolescence is about becoming adult. Depending on the teenager’s experiences in infancy and childhood, the teenage years can be a rollercoaster of emotional highs and lows or a relatively smooth ride into maturity. The level of maturity of the significant adults in teenagers’ lives – parents and teachers – is critical to how well teenagers manage the many challenges – physical, emotional, sexual, intellectual, behavioural, social, creative and spiritual – that come their way.

Attention to what lies hidden behind teenager’s distressing responses is required for teenagers to begin to make progress towards mature adulthood. Parents and teachers need to understand that when young people are troubled and troubling they are not trying to make life difficult for parents, teachers and others; they are trying to communicate how difficult life is for them.

Themes covered during the seminar will be:

  • The wisdom of adolescence

  • Teenagers’ search for identity

  • Parents’/teachers’ defensive behaviours that threaten teenagers’ wellbeing

  • Helping teenagers who are troubled and troubling

  • Identifying teenagers who are suffering inner turmoil

  • Parental ‘letting go’ and teenagers’ ‘leave-taking’

Dr Tony Humphreys - Biography

Dr. Tony Humphreys is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist in private practice and specialist lecturer for health care and teaching professions in University College, Cork and Limerick University. He is Ireland's most influential Psychologist and leading speaker on individual, couple and family relationships, relationships in the workplace, self-esteem and motivation.

He is the author of several best selling books: 'Work and Worth: Take Back Your Life"; 'The Power of ‘Negative' Thinking"; ‘A Different Kind of Teacher’; ‘Self-Esteem: The Key to Your Child’s Education’; ‘The Family, Love It and Leave It’; ‘Myself, My Partner’; ‘A Different Kind of Discipline’; ‘Children Feeling Good’, ‘Examining our Times - for the way we live now’, ‘Whose Life Are You Living?’, The Mature Manager, The Compassionate Intentions of Illness. His books are now in twenty languages and he has become internationally known as a seminar and conference speaker in Europe and South Africa. He has recorded three spoken-word audio- cassettes: ‘Self-Esteem for Adults’, ‘Raising Children’s Self-Esteem’ and ‘Embrace Failure’.

Dr. Humphreys has had several appearances on T.V and has had his own radio programmes plus several interviews. He also speaks on many radio programmes and has regular columns in one of Ireland’s leading newspapers, The Irish Examiner.

People find his talks and seminars thought-provoking, inspirational and challenging. He reaches his audience at a deep level, inspiring change and encouraging a fresh perspective.

Dr Humphreys runs the following courses at UCC: Certificate in Interpersonal Communication, Diploma in Parent Mentoring, Higher Diploma in Relationship Studies and outreach programmes in Dublin - Diploma in Parent Mentoring and Higher Diploma in Relationship Studies.

If you have booked for this event your name will be on the list when you arrive. Registration opens at 6.30pm

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7:00 PM19:00

An Evening with Dan Millman

We are delighted to announce an event with Dan Millman co-hosted with Positive Life. This event is taking place on April 9th  7 – 8.30 PM GMT

We will be hosting a live audience in The Elbowroom, 32 North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7 and joined by Dan Over Zoom and our online community.

Dan Millman is a former world champion athlete, university coach, martial arts instructor, and college professor. After an intensive, twenty-year spiritual quest, Dan’s teaching found its form as the Peaceful Warrior’s Way. His work continues to evolve over time to meet the needs of a changing world. Dan’s eighteen books, including Way of the Peaceful Warrior, have inspired and informed millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. The feature film “Peaceful Warrior” was adapted from Dan’s first book, based upon incidents from his life. Much of Dan’s time is devoted to speaking. His keynotes, seminars, and workshops span the generations to influence men and women from all walks of life. Dan and his wife Joy live in Brooklyn, NY. They have three grown daughters and five grandchildren.

Tickets are available to purchase through Positive Life. Please note donation amounts are suggested and you can choose which level suits you.  A suggested donation of €25/20 to be part of the live audience in the Elbowroom or a suggested donation of €20/15 to be part of the online audience.

Learn more about Dan Millman here: Dan Millman

Donation of €25/€20 to be part of live event at Elbow Room

Donation of €20/€15 to be part of the online event over Zoom


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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Seminar: Aging As a Spiritual Practice - Dr Connie Zweig

Aging as a Spiritual Practice: Shifting from Role to Soul with Dr Connie Zweig

Connie Zweig, Ph.D., is a retired therapist and writer. Known as the Shadow Expert, she is coauthor of Meeting the Shadow and Romancing the Shadow and author of Meeting the Shadow of Spirituality and a novel, A Moth to the Flame: The Life of Sufi Poet Rumi. Her new bestselling book, The Inner Work of Age: Shifting from Role to Soul, extends her work on the Shadow into midlife and beyond and explores aging as a spiritual practice. It won both the 2021 American Book Fest Award and the 2021 Best Indie Book Award for best inspirational non-fiction. Connie has been doing contemplative practices for more than 50 years. She is a wife, stepmother, and grandmother. After all these roles, she’s practicing the shift from role to soul.

 Dr. Connie has retired from clinical practice. She has been initiated into Elderhood as a Certified Sage-ing Leader.

You can find excerpts of the new book on her blog at

link to book CLICK HERE

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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Seminar: Near Death Experience - Dr Eben Alexander

Dr Eben Alexander

Dr Eben Alexander will focus on his NDE and the account in his book Proof of Heaven, and he will talk about its impacts in the 13 years since then, which brings in discussion of consciousness, the brain's function, memory, spiritual health and meditation.

Academic neurosurgeon Dr. Eben Alexander III, whose career includes decades as a physician and associate professor at Harvard Medical School and revered teaching hospitals, was once staunchly committed to the materialist world view -- the belief that the physical world is all that exists. His scientific belief system was altered by his 2008 transcendental near-death experience (NDE), an odyssey into another realm during a week-long coma. Despite a bleak medical prognosis, Dr. Alexander awoke to make an inexplicable return to full health. His medical case and recovery were validated in the peer-reviewed Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Since his NDE, Dr. Alexander has been reconciling his rich spiritual experience with quantum physics, cosmology and the philosophy of mind. Dr. Alexander speaks around the world to educate about the role that consciousness plays in wellness, healing and recovery.

A pioneering scientist and modern thought leader, Dr. Alexander has been featured in more than 400 media interviews including for ABC-TV’s Good Morning America and 20/20, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, Larry King Now, Fox and Friends, Discovery Channel, Biography Channel and numerous international radio, digital and podcasts.

His books are available in more than 40 countries: Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, The Map of Heaven: How Science, Religion, and Ordinary People Are Proving the Afterlife, and Living in a Mindful Universe: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Heart of Consciousness, co-authored with Sacred Acoustics co-founder Karen Newell.



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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Seminar - Protecting children from online pornography: Stella O'Malley

Stella O'Malley is a psychotherapist, best-selling author, public speaker and a parent with many years’ experience working in counselling and psychotherapy. Born in Dublin, Stella now calls Birr, Co. Offaly home where she lives with her husband and two children and runs her private practice.

Whether we like it or not, at some point children are going to come across some form of pornography. Many are under twelve years old so the problem must be addressed at primary school level. Pornography is deeply damaging to young minds as it distorts sex into a brutal violent act rather than the romantic relationship it should be. Violence towards women is common and expectations on both sexes are unrealistic and distorted.

This interactive seminar will discuss these issues and provide guidance to parents on how to protect their children

Fee to join seminar €20.00

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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Seminar - Becoming a High Performing Coach with Ryan Mathie

Ryan Mathie

At this workshop, Ryan Mathie will draw upon his experience from building a 7-figure Coaching business to offer you a complete, step-by-step system for turning your Coaching business into a high-fee coaching business - 100% from the HEART.

 Discover how to build an online high-fee coaching business without a FB Page, Best-Selling Book or even a Website...

 This will be an intimate and interactive live coaching experience unlike any other.

 You’ll Discover: 

  • The most effective client creation strategy we use to create a predictable flow of high-fee clients in our online Coaching Business.

  • The #1 reason Coaches burn out and have to go back to their 9-5 job.

  • Where you should be investing your time and energy to build your purpose-driven business right now (this doesn’t include networking events, building your website, or writing eBooks).

  • How new coaches are enrolling clients in $5,000+ coaching programs and growing their coaching businesses WITHOUT spending months blogging, vlogging, or ‘building a following’.

  • AND... how to do ALL of this while being totally authentic and from a place of absolute integrity.

Are you driven by a deep sense of purpose to impact people’s lives through your Coaching, Mentoring, Thought Leadership, and/or Expertise? 

 Becoming a successful purpose-driven entrepreneur in a relatively short period of time is a goal that’s entirely achievable — and one that will transform your life forever.

 The first thing I want to share is that I’m NOT a marketer preaching the landing page/funnel/paid advertising route, while this is important at the right stage of the business building journey, there are many more important things to learn before more sophisticated marketing and scaling strategies are to be considered. 

 I’m a personal development and business expert. I’ve coached in personal and professional transformation for 11+ years and during that time I’ve shown thousands of Coaches what it really takes to launch and grow a profitable business through powerful, meaningful, and life-changing conversations. This way coaches get to build their business by doing what they love to do the most - coach people and make a difference.



Becoming a High Performance Coach semina


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7:00 PM19:00

Zoom Seminar: Self care is the True Primary Care - Heidi Jackson

Heidi stresses the importance of Self Care ‘Over the last few years I have gone from 10 minutes of self care to 2 hours self care daily. This was brought about due to my witnessing my brother diagnosed with a stage 4 brain cancer. I knew the importance of self care, knew the science etc but with the stress of work/family and societal pressures found it difficult to 'find the time'. From Dr James Gordon’s book Self Care is the True Primary Care.

  Are you the same?

Heidi will demonstrate 2 very short but powerful techniques that can be used daily to help deal with life's stresses and explain the science and why 'self care truly is primary care'. 

Heidi Jackson BA and BNSc has been an Oncology Nurse and Complementary Therapist for 20 years. She is a Certified facilitator and on the Faculty of the Centre for Mind Body Medicine

She loves sharing her passion to empower people to help heal themselves.


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7:00 PM19:00

ZOOM SEMINAR - Finding Meaning Beneath The Noise - Susannah Healy

SusannahHealy.jpeg at desk.jpg


Live the Life You Want To Have Lived!

We all have the same 10,080 minutes in the week but Boy do we use them differently!

In this workshop style event, psychologist, mindfulness teacher and author Susannah Healy will help attendees to reorientate their lives towards what is meaningful to them.  So often we drift through life, living in an unconscious, habitual way.  Life is busy and so often we are pulled off the path towards the life we want to have lived. Through exercises and reflections based on the work of Viktor Frankl and other authors, attendees will come to identify what is truly meaningful to them, the surprising faux-friends in meaning-making, and a renewed and realistic plan for a purpose-driven life to fit their lifestyle.


Susannah Healy is a psychologist, mindfulness meditation teacher (Irl & UK) and author.  Her most recent publication "The Seven Day Soul: Finding Meaning Beneath the Noise" (Hachette) (2019) has already been translated and published internationally.  Susannah has written for multiple print media in Ireland, has acted as Agony Aunt on a popular radio show and been a guest on numerous radio and television programmes.  In her work as a Management Consultant, she works with client companies to create the meaning-centred workplace.  Visit:

ZOOM SEMINAR - Finding Meaning Beneath The Noise - Susannah Healy, Thursday October 21st at 7pm

A link will be sent the day before the event


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7:00 PM19:00

ZOOM SEMINAR: Transforming Trauma - The Path to Hope and Healing - Dr James Gordon


This online seminar is a relaxed interview style talk with Dr James Gordon.

A peace-maker and consensus-builder, Dr. Gordon is known for cross-cultural relationship building as well as deep life-changing therapeutic work with individuals and families. For more than 25 years, he has led CMBM teams, to relieve population-wide psychological trauma: during and after wars in the Balkans and Middle East; after climate related disasters in Louisiana, Texas, California, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and California; in communities affected by school shootings; and with active duty U.S. military and veterans and their families.

Over the past 3 years, Dr. Gordon and his team have worked closely with tribal elders, teachers, and clinicians on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservations in South Dakota to create a program that has married mind-body medicine to traditional Lakota healing and stemmed a tide of youth suicide.

James S. Gordon, MD, author of Transforming Trauma: The Path to Hope and Healing, is a Harvard-educated psychiatrist and the founder and executive director of The Center for Mind-Body Medicine in Washington, D.C. Dr. Gordon is internationally recognized for using self-awareness, self-care, and group support to heal population-wide psychological trauma. He is a clinical professor at Georgetown Medical School, and was chairman (under Presidents Clinton and GW Bush) of the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy.

For more information, visit our website page here.


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7:30 PM19:30

Zoom Seminar - Joe Vitale : Six Steps to Enlightenment


An evening with Dr. Joe Vitale, exploring the six steps to enlightenment. Dr. Joe has recently written a book on this very subject, so we can't wait to learn more. This event will take place on Thursday May 27th at 7.30 p.m. Irish Time. The link and login details will be sent to all ticket holders the day beforehand, and a replay will be sent the following morning, for anyone who can't make it live, or wants to watch the event again.

Dr. Joe Vitale is the author of far too many books to mention here. Here are just a few of them:

He wrote the bestseller, 'The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy Steps for Creating Wealth (or anything else) from the inside out'. It became a #1 bestseller twice, even beating the latest Harry Potter book.

He also wrote Life’s Missing Instruction Manual: The Guidebook You Should Have Been Given at Birth. It, too, became a #1 bestseller and was picked up by WalMart.

One of his most popular titles is called 'Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace, and More.' This book reflects on an ancient Hawaiian practice, known as Ho’oponopono. Joe has hosted multiple live events on this subject, and he has created quite a following on this title alone.

Our event with Joe will focus on the six steps to enlightenment.

This event will take place on Thursday May 27th at 7.30 p.m. Irish Time. The link and login details will be sent to all participants the day beforehand, and a replay will be sent the following morning, for anyone who can't make it live, or wants to watch the event again.

This event is in partnership with POSITIVE LIFE

Zoom Seminar: Joe Vitale Six Steps to Enlightenment Thursday 27th May 7.30pm
from €20.00

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7:00 PM19:00

ZOOM SEMINAR - davidji - The Secrets of Meditation


For thousands of years people have tried to tap into the stillness and silence that rests within to discover their deeper selves. In Secrets of Meditation, davidji takes you there, demystifying the practice along the way and guiding the reader on an epic journey into your own consciousness. Whether you are new to meditation, a crisis meditator or someone who has been meditating for years, Secrets of Meditation will take your practice, and your life, to the next level.

Davidji shares his own meditation journey along his own path to awakening and shares the impact it can have on your physical health, your relationships, your emotional wellbeing and your spiritual life. As the secrets to an effortless meditation practice are revealed, you will unlock the door to your own personal journey and discover what is actually supposed to happen when you close your eyes. 

Davidji shares the wisdom of the ages in a very accessible and entertaining style - demystifying rigid commandments, revealing the five greatest myths of meditation, and illuminating the most powerful rituals to weave a practice into your day. Secrets of Meditation will have you meditating in minutes, setting powerful intentions for each day, and living a happier, easier and more fulfilling life.

One minute meditation you can do anywhere HERE

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5:30 PM17:30

ZOOM SEMINAR - Anita Moorjani: Be Yourself Fearlessly


Anita Moorjani is a world-renowned spiritual author, speaker and teacher. We are thrilled to welcome her for this very special evening, during which we will explore how to use our sensitivity at this time to embody love and stand in our own true power.

Anita says, “In 2006, after a four-year battle with cancer, I fell into a coma and was given hours to live. As my doctors gathered to revive me, I journeyed into a near-death experience (NDE) where I was given the choice to return to my physical form or to continue into this new realm. I chose the former, and when I regained consciousness, my cancer began to heal.”

Read about Anita’s near death experience HERE

This online event will be co-hosted by Paul Congdon of Positive Life and Jane Stephenson of

Click here to book your place.

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8:00 PM20:00

ZOOM SEMINAR - Bruce Lipton - Epigenetics and The Biology of Belief

Dr Bruce Lipton

Dr Bruce Lipton

This interview style online seminar introduces Bruce and his work on cell research and the findings that we are not solely affected by our genes, and that behaviour and environment can modify our cells and therefore our wellbeing.

Bruce’s research at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, between 1987 and 1992, revealed that the environment, operating though the membrane, controlled the behavior and physiology of the cell, turning genes on and off. His discoveries, which ran counter to the established scientific view that life is controlled by the genes, presaged one of today’s most important fields of study, the science of epigenetics. Two major scientific publications derived from these studies defined the molecular pathways connecting the mind and body. Many subsequent papers by other researchers have since validated his concepts and ideas.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.

This event is co- hosted by and Positive Life

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