Events - to educate and inspire —

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Events - to educate and inspire provide a wide range events. View our upcoming events here

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10:00 AM10:00

Lorie Ladd Workshop


We are thrilled to announce the return of the wonderful author, speaker, and spiritual teacher: Lorie Ladd! Join us on Sunday, March 23rd in the Talbot Hotel, Stillorgan from 10:00AM to 18:00PM for a fantastic full day workshop.

Tickets Available At:

Spend a day with Lorie experiencing a deeper sense of freedom and purpose in your life.

This workshop will offer…

  • An Interactive conversation with Lorie

  • A deep powerful, guided meditation

  • An opportunity to join Lorie on stage and ask your personal questions

We look forward to you joining us as we come together to raise our collective consciousness to new heights and experience the freedom within!

About Lorie
Lorie Ladd is an author, spiritual teacher, and thought leader specializing in the evolution of human consciousness. Her teachings and guidance have helped millions of people navigate the current planetary shifts, embody Sovereignty, and remember the divine design held within the human experience.

Lorie found her life purpose at 13 when she simply knew she would assist humanity through the miraculous and divine collective awakening humanity is experiencing now. But it wasn’t until 2015, after leading an almost normal life, which included a MA in Psychology,  teaching hot yoga,  a corporate job, and a fiancée, that she fully committed to her mission.

Head here to see more from Lorie:

Tickets Available At:

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to Mar 18

Satsangs With Kosi CANCELLED



Satsangs and retreat posted here

Kosi is an internationally recognized Satsang Teacher with over 25 years experience. Her teaching style is steeped in the indescribable energy and grace of Sri Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, the famous sage of Tiruvannamalai, as well as the unconditional love of Sri Amma Karunamayi the living saint and avatar of Andra Pradesh India.Kosi's teaching can be funny, deadly serious, direct, honest, and ruthless. She simplifies the complexity of spiritual practice and teachings and provides long term support for spiritual evolution. 

Satsang means in association with truth—a spiritual discourse or teaching steeped in the invisible power of the divine or satguru. As Kosi often says, “Satsang is sitting in the heart of God. No words exist for the vast energy of this wisdom, peace, and pure love.”  Her teaching is not psychotherapy or a lecture, discussion, or personal empowerment training. It is a divine teaching that transmits the power and grace of this particular lineage—Siva Kasyapa—the formless presence of God. Her unique teaching style is powerful support for ending shame, fear, self-hatred, rage, stress, sadness, and many other forms of suffering.

This is not at all a typical meeting. It is a potent transmission of light that represents an initiation into the ancient practices that reveals how your mind actually works and supports your own direct discovery of the bliss and freedom of your eternal nature. The core teaching is meditation, the mantra, and self-inquiry, which supports your own direct discovery. It represents a radical shift from the suffering generated by your mind to the indescribable peace, freedom, and contentment alive in your heart.

Kosi visits Ireland regularly to offer events

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to Feb 23

Animal Communication Workshop - Lyn Furlong

Lyn Furlong - Tutor and Member of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers

Lyn Furlong - Tutor and Member of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers

Have you ever wondered what animals are thinking and how they are feeling?

Learn how to communicate effectively with both domestic and wild animals


Animals are naturally able to tune into each other, receiving thoughts, mental images, emotions and intentions. Animal communication is not something developed through mental exercises, it requires love, empathy and a unity as spiritual beings to be able to handle the communication received with balance and wisdom. It is important that we respect their differences from us in physical form, yet acknowledging that we are all of the same spiritual essence. Expanding thought patterns, opening to all possibilities and unlocking the door to unconditional love is where miracles happen. Lyn Furlong’s workshops show you how to telepathically open up to the wonderful free spirit of every animal, with respect, compassion and acceptance. It is a path of understanding and self discovery on which you can have fun and enjoy the journey.


Saturday 10 am - 5 pm

Sunday 9.45 am - 5 pm

Wear comfortable clothes so that you can be completely relaxed

Bring high quality printed photographs of your own animals ensuring they are alone, with no other people or animals no flash  or red eye  in the picture

No photo’s on phones or iPads

 Fee: €250.00

For information and to book call 087 6996714 or copy and paste the below link to your browser

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7:00 PM19:00

Demonstration of Mediumship with Gordon Smith and Janet Parker

Gordon Smith

Gordon Smith

Janet Parker

Janet Parker

If you wish to understand the truth of life after death and explore the vital role our loved ones in Spirit play in our lives, then this evening is not to be missed. Witness two international mediums in one remarkable event. Gordon Smith (The Psychic Barber) published author of fifteen books along with numerous television and radio interviews on the subject is without peer, he currently lives in Scotland and teaches at the London School of Psychic Studies. Janet Parker has spent over twenty five years teaching at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, whilst also following the path of the Ministry, with her international work seeking to dispel the myths which surround mediumship also currently resides in Scotland. Both Janet and Gordon (having spent over half of their lives exploring evidence of the Afterlife and Spirit Communication), bring their knowledge and wisdom of the Power that connects the two worlds to Ireland, in an effort to provide, comfort, solace and understanding. Both teachers bring unrivalled experience, together they provide a rare opportunity to explore Spirit communication whilst acknowledging our celtic heritage!

The demonstration takes place on Friday evening from 7-9pm There will be limited availability for two workshops running on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 from 10am to 5pm both days with both tutors, (with time for lunch set aside). These workshops are for those who are currently in development or have recently begun their journey but are keen to gain more clarity and confidence in their mediumship. If attending the demonstration and the two day workshop contact John and Miriam Fitzgerald on Facebook as discounts apply.

Tickets €35.00


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to Sep 22

PSYCH-K Free Your Mind - Change Your life



Maybe you’ve heard of world renowned Cell Biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton PhD, best-selling author of “The Biology of Belief”, “Spontaneous Evolution” and “The Honeymoon Effect”.  Bruce wanted to write his first book for years and something was holding him back. After experiencing PSYCH-K® he was able to transform what was blocking him.

Now you can learn how! He shares “The Secret to Life is BELIEF. Rather than genes it is our beliefs that control our lives. Using the simple, self-empowering processes of PSYCH-K® you can change your beliefs and perceptions that impact your life even at the cellular level. I have personal experience with PSYCH-K® and I am confident in its integrity, simplicity and effectiveness.”

 Bruce shares his first encounter with PSYCH-K®:

PSYCH-K® is a Balance process that complements all religions, belief systems and modalities. Where are you in your life journey? Are you just becoming aware of the power your perceptions have? Are you well into your journey or well studied in many modalities designed to create change at the powerful subconscious level of mind? Are you a professional practitioner and support others in their healing and evolutionary journey? PSYCH-K® WILL MEET YOU WHERE EVER YOU ARE!

In this Workshop you will learn:   

  • How your subconscious and conscious minds are different

  • How to work WITH your subconscious and discover what blocks you.

  • How to facilitate muscle testing with accuracy in PSYCH-K processes (new or seasoned professionals alike)

  • How to connect with your inner wisdom

  • How to speak the language of your subconscious mind

  • How to clarify goals so your subconscious mind can support you

  • How to use PSYCH-K® in your life

  • How to transform perceived stress and trauma (past, present or future)

  • Simple, repeatable & verifiable tools for lasting change, with STEP by STEP directions

  • How to identify and shift limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs to transform your life!

The investment you make in yourself is priceless and life changing! For those interested in supporting others or perhaps adding these processes to your existing tools with clients, or even if you're interested in creating a new career, this highly interactive 3-Day Basic workshop will also qualify you as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator and allow you to use these processes for private one-to-one sessions, professionally (with yourself, friends, family or clients) for monetary gain or otherwise, at your discretion. 

Do you sense something stirring inside? Act before your conscious mind talks you out of this amazing opportunity! Your future-self will thank you!

Katherine Moyer will be your workshop facilitator. Katherine was selected and trained by Rob Williams, the originator of PSYCH-K in 2003.  She worked as a corporate IT Trainer and Problem Solver in a U.S. Fortune 150 company for 15 years. Blending her unique background with the power of PSYCH-K, she travels internationally offering all levels of the PSYCH-K workshops for those who are ready for this life changing technology to re-write the software of their minds, and change the printout of their life!

Friday, Saturday and Sunday (Sept. 20-22) 9:00am to 6:00pm

Investment €650 | Groups of two or more attending together discounted to €595 each

Repeat or Audit €270 | Bring your original material, replacements available for purchase

 You will be qualified to attend the 4-Day Advanced Integration Workshop after completing the 3-Day Basic. We’ve got one scheduled the following week! Sept. 26-29 Thursday-Sunday (9:00am - 6:00pm).

Take the leap towards possibilities with our Quantum Package and SAVE. We recommend jumping into the Advanced as soon as you can! Everything you learn will be different from the Basic so, when you’re ready for Quantum level BIG SHIFTS, Just Do It!


Registration, Information, Packages & Videos online at:

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to Aug 25

Consciousness & Human Evolution

  • Millennium Gloucester Hotel (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the 20th Century space was the final frontier, in the 21st century Science is looking into the human mind and our consciousness! So there's a global revolution happening in Science and brave pioneers are piecing together a new reality of life, in which human emotions aren't arbitrary, they are the very building blocks of life itself!

Each of the specially selected speakers, will be expounding their life's work to open doors of perception, which enable you to develop your consciousness with the understandings of today and the eternal mysteries of the past, as you embark on a 3 day journey inside yourself!

9 special talks designed to Empower You tools to Develop Your Consciousness!

The Exclusive 2019 Schedule includes:

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza

  • Gregg Braden

  • Lynne McTaggart

  • Pimm Van Lommel

  • Reto Rüegger

+ more to be announced

Plus this year we have a special Monday workshop featuring Gregg Braden and Joe Dispenza and other activities.

CLICK HERE for more information.

See you in August!



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10:00 AM10:00

Say YES to Happiness - Pauline Rohdich


The 'Say YES to Happiness' seminar is based on the New York Times best selling book, Happy For No Reason by Marci Shimoff .

In this one day event you will learn 7 steps to becoming happy from the inside out - where it really counts.

Here's what you can expect to learn -

1.    A new definition for Happy.

2.    How to raise your Happiness set point.

3.    The Keys to cultivating Happiness in your life right now.

4.    How to create good Happiness Habits.

5.    A 7-step holistic programme to building your inner home for Happiness.

The main benefits are that you will learn how to expand your ability to experience happiness in all aspects of your life -

  • Taking responsibility.

  • Make Your Mind your ally.

  • Make Your Cells Happy.

  • Plug in to Spirit

  • Live a Life inspired by Purpose.

  • Let love lead in your life.

  • Build nourishing relationships.

  • Recognise you already have within you the ability to live in a state of joy.

  • The habits that happy people have mastered.

  • Becoming Happy no matter what.

Happy people are more fulfilled, relaxed, and peaceful. They naturally have greater opportunities, better health, more fulfilling relationships, bigger success, and so on. You can, too!

This seminar promises to be informative, interactive, inspirational and entertaining.  You will discover how to raise your happiness set-point and experience a deeper, more permanent state of happiness, regardless of your external circumstances.

Join us in this fun day at the fabulous Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, FREE PARKING.  The fee for the day includes arrival break (tea/coffee/granola bars & fruit skewers) & lunch (choice of Main course/Selection of mini desserts tea/coffee).

Ticket prices range from 2 for €130

Early bird of €75 one person

Full price €95


CORK WORKSHOP 25TH MAY, Clayton Silver Springs.

Pauline Rohdich is an Advanced RTT Clinical Hypnotherapist, Spiritual Life Coach, Happy For No Reason Trainer, Yoga & Meditation Teacher.

 She is the creator of Just Pause, a personal development business with a mission to remind you that you have the power to change your life and improve your happiness, which she teaches at her Say YES to Happiness Seminars around Ireland.

She works from her home in Galway, where she has her own yoga studio and private therapy practice and thanks to technology, she can facilitate clients from around the world.

 Growing up, Pauline always had a strong connection to the mystical and sensed there was so much more to understand about God and spirituality than what she had been exposed to in her strict Catholic upbringing. Her background has seen her as a Garda, Air Hostess and entrepreneur in a variety of small businesses. However, her deepest desire has always been to help people become the best they can be and a major shift in direction began in her mid-thirties.

 Following the first of four miscarriages, she found Reiki and energy healing and became a Reiki Master and Angel guidance practitioner. In 2008, she trained as a yoga and meditation teacher with Deepak Chopra and ran her own holistic centre in Tuam, Galway for just over three years. She since qualified as a life coach with a strong leaning towards spiritual development.

 In 2017, having returned from Australia, she trained with the UK’s top therapist, Marisa Peer as an RTT Hypnotherapist, helping clients get to the root of their emotional pain and break free. She teaches her clients to collaborate with their mind so, as to create what they really want.

Recently, Pauline has trained with Marci Shimoff as a Happy For No Reason Trainer, teaching the principles of becoming happy from the inside out.

 Additionally, she runs workshops and retreats and speaks to corporate groups on the power of the mind and the importance of self-love and inner peace.

Pauline is committed to continual learning and self-improvement and is passionate about sharing her knowledge in a fun, inspirational and interactive way.

For more information visit her websites -


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to May 5

Are The Winds of Change Blowing? Dr Dina Glouberman

  • An Tobar Spiritan Retreat Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Dina Glouberman.jpg

Workshop with Dina Glouberman, Ph.D, Skyros Founder, Author, Psychotherapist

The most effective time for transformation and new beginnings is the moment when the winds of change are already blowing in one’s life.  Burnout, stress, crisis, confusion, loss, illness, major change: these are all words that let you know that you need to stop, orient yourself and listen to your inner wisdom before you can take your next step. 

This workshop focuses on the three-stage process of transformation: catalyst, turning point, and new beginning. We will be working with imagery at each point to go below everyday thinking and old assumptions to your own unique view of reality.

Using imagery has the power to deepen and speed up any learning, healing, problem solving, or creative process. You will learn to tap into your “genius imagination,” or “radical imagination” to get a vivid and accurate snapshot view of where you are right now, what has led up to it, and what is possible—as well as to support you to say Yes and map out steps to a new future. In so doing, you will also gain the tools to continue this learning in everyday life or to work more effectively to help others professionally or personally.

CPD certificates are available.  Dina Glouberman’s book, “You are what you imagine: Three steps to a new beginning using imagework” as well as the MP3 download of all the exercises ( )can serve as a text and further training for the course

Facilitator: Dr. Dina Glouberman

Date: May 3rd – 6th 2019

 Friday May 3rd: 7.30pm-9.30pm

 Saturday May 4th: 9.30am-1.00pm 2.30-6.00pm

 Sunday May 5th: 9.30-1.00pm, 2.30-6.00pm

 Monday May 6th: 9.30-1.00pm, finish with lunch and depart.

Breakfast, Lunch, Evening meal plus Tea/Coffee breaks throughout the day

Cost: Residential €350.00/Non-Res €250.00

Booking Essential: 046-9078978



Dr. Dina Glouberman is a world expert in the creative imagination. She is the visionary co-founder of Skyros Holidays and the author of four classic books

Life Choices, Life ChangesThe Joy of Burnout and You Are What You Imagine, as well as her memoir Into the Wood and Out Again. She is also an international trainer, coach, speaker and psychotherapist.

For over thirty years, she has been has been a pioneer in creating, teaching, and practicing the use of Imagework, the groundbreaking process that harnesses the imagination to guide our lives and create positive life choices and profound life changes. This course is an introduction to Imagework.    (

What people say about Dina Glouberman

Dina Glouberman is wise and witty and an inspirational teacher. Sue Townsand, author

Dina Glouberman is a home-maker of spirit Margaret Drabble, author

“Easily one of the best facilitators in the world today”

Edward Boyne Tivoli Institute, Dublin


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10:30 AM10:30

The Angel Experience with Kyle Gray



Tickets: £86.00 - €97.00

A joy-filled day dedicated to connecting with the Angels & Archangels It is your spiritual right to know who your angels are - you have the gifts within to harness this incredible relationship.

For the past 15 years, Kyle Gray has dedicated his life to understanding what it takes to create a bridge between heaven and Earth. He believes that it is his soul-led mission to help people like you to create a personal bond your Guardian Angel.

The angels are real and they are with you right now. They are dedicated to your health, healing and growth. You are your angels purpose and when you choose to develop a bond with them - you allow them to fulfil their calling so that they can guide you with love.

Have you ever felt like your angel has been trying to send you a message?

Have you ever found a pure white feather that arrived somewhere with no worldly explanation?

The Angels are with you right now.

Many hear stories about the angels intervening upon the Earth, saving lives and miraculously appearing to others ? but what you need to know is that you too are worthy of these experiences and that you can develop through meditation, prayer and spiritual practice.

In this powerful, love-fulled day - Kyle Gray will lead you to awakening your angelic connection. You'll be given spiritual tools that will help you tap into your Universal-given right to experience the angels directly.

You'll be introduced to the Angels of the world and given examples of how they have shown themselves through the years and in different parts of the worlds. You'll also learn about the Archangels that are working directly with the Earth and how you can harness their supportive light upon your personal journey.

You'll be guided to:

  • Remove the blocks from your energy that can stand between you and your angels.

  • Recognise that you are worthy of spiritual support and angelic experiences

Open up your angelic eyes so that you can see the world from a higher perspective Learn how to:

  • Invoke a cloak of protection from your guardian angel Interpret the signs and messages you are receiving

  • Overcome anxiety when going through changes you can't control

  • Ask the angels for healing for family and friends

What to expect:

  • Powerful Angel Prayers & Meditations that allow you to feel your angels' presence

  • Join a congregation of open and like-minded people

  • Tools that will support your spiritual growth

  • Practices that encourage you to reveal your gifts and talents

  • Opportunity to directly connect with your angels

  • Audience participation PLUS Angel Readings Q&A

More information and to book CLICK HERE

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7:00 PM19:00

Paul McKenna - Change Your Destiny

paul mckenna.jpg

Paul McKenna - The 3 Things That Will Change Your Destiny Today!


Paul McKenna Ph.D. has helped people from all walks of life and helped them to change their lives for the better. He has investigated nearly every method of therapy, coaching and personal change available, and as a result has recently created an amazing new system that could help you breakthrough in the areas of your life you truly want to!

If you’re ready to . . .

Have infinitely more power over the direction of your life?

Uncover the secrets of luck, confidence and motivation?

Feel like you are the master of your own destiny?

Release your true potential?

Become the person you were born to be?

Then let Paul McKenna help you!

He has discovered and crafted a simple set of processes that you can be guided through in a matter of hours. Paul McKenna wants to help you to clear the past of blocks or negative experiences and get in touch with the very best of who you truly are, so you can live more happily in the present. Let Paul McKenna help you get in touch with what you really want and focus your mind and body with an unstoppable passion to fulfil your destiny!

 Tickets include a free book! 





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to Feb 4

Vitality Retreat

vitality retreat.jpg

Revitalise Your Natural Essence

Dates: 2 - 4th February 2018

This 3-day retreat invites you to unwind in the serene settings of Lisvanagh country estate in Carlow (just over an hours drive from Dublin).

Our intention is to revitalise the body to its natural capacity for healing, learn from its wisdom, align with our true nature and develop greater self-awareness.

Opening the body we open the mind.

Through the body, we will experience space, stillness, e-motion, sensation, vibration and bliss.

This 3-day programme includes:

   •     Healing Yoga: Asana, Pranayama (breath-work), Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation) & Meditation

   •     Somatic Movement

   •     Tension & Trauma Release

   •     Soul-Dance (no dance experience needed)

   •     Dynamic Meditation

   •     Sound & Voice work

   •     Authentic Connection

   •     Visioning, Intention & Manifestation practices

Weekend Events:

You will receive a full timetable of events and scheduled free time on the morning of your arrival but here is a taster of what’s to come!


You will arrive Friday from 4:30 pm to settle into your private room and enjoy the gardens before a light supper at 6 pm.

Our programme will begin from 7:30 pm with Healing Yoga to help us arrive and anchor.


On Saturday we will begin at 8:30 am with Pranayama and Somatic Movement followed by a silent breakfast and a mindful woodland walk.

Returning to the studio we will explore deep tension release and authentic movement before a nourishing lunch.

After lunch you can experience a multitude of delights as you unwind, curling up on the sofa with a good book by a big log fire in the oak-panelled library, or taking a snooze in the blissful quiet of your bedroom, soaking in a luxurious bath with no time pressure, or sipping tea as you take in expansive views of the pleasure grounds.

The afternoon workshop will revitalise the body and open the mind with sensory practices and dynamic meditation followed by a healing relaxation to rest and integrate the day’s learning.

After dinner, there will be guided Yoga Nidra for all who would like to attend.


Sunday awakens the True You with sound and voice exercises to purify and uplift the energetic and physical body before a hearty breakfast.

Our final session will focus on enhancing personal awareness through Authentic Connection exercises followed by Creative Visioning, Intention & Manifestation practices.

We will enjoy afternoon tea together at 1 pm before departing.

Individual Sessions: Integrated Healing & Reiki

Throughout the weekend, one to one sessions with Laura will be available in a private treatment room separate to the studio.

These sessions enhance the process of the weekend. Individuals receive a personally designed practice to assist them towards their goals. Sessions are 50 euro.

Practical Details


Lisnavagh House offers the ultimate mix of homeliness and grandeur with several acres of beautiful gardens in private and exclusive surroundings. Situated on the Carlow/Wicklow border about an hour from Dublin, there are striking panoramic views of the Wicklow Hills, Blackstairs Mountains and Mount Leinster beyond the estate’s 600 acres of woods and farmland.

Food for the Soul

With organic ingredients from local suppliers and the Walled Garden at Lisnavagh, vibrant recipes are used to prepare delicious organic dishes.

All meals are served in the dining room, with a large mahogany table and a fireplace that brings a huge sense of warmth. Homemade snacks are also available throughout the weekend, along with a selection of teas and coffee.


Luxury accommodation is provided in the main house where each guest has their own individually styled bedroom, with historic views of the gardens and parkland or beautiful accommodation in the stables courtyard adjacent to the house.

When booking please select your favourite room based on the descriptions below.

Each room has a different pricing and if rooms are shared a 10% discount is available.

Prices below are based on single occupancy.

Prices include luxury accommodation, meals and snacks and full tuition for the retreat programme.

Option 1- Stables Courtyard en-suite room €595 per person

Lisnavagh Stables are for those who want quirky, fun and cosy double bedrooms with an ensuite bathroom. There is a facility for tea & coffee in an adjoining outbuilding known as ‘The Barn’, which is perfect for reading or relaxing.

The Courtyard Stables are situated on site just around the corner from Lisnavagh House. See stables accommodation by clicking here.

Option 2- Main House Rooms: 635 - 695 per person

Lisnavagh House has seven individually styled bedrooms for you to choose from during the retreat, this includes the exclusive and private use of Lisnavagh House and gardens. See bedrooms by clicking here.

You won’t find televisions, radios, or minibars in the Lisnavagh bedrooms. The unique and dramatically different bedrooms are tranquil and calm - ideal for sleeping well.

• Bedrooms include antique 4-poster beds, hand basins and outstanding views

•   Bathrooms include Voya natural products.

Please note that due to the period features of Lisnavagh House some of the bathrooms contain showers and some baths only. Some of the bedrooms are ensuite and some bathrooms are next door or across from the bedroom so as not to spoil the dimensions of the old style bedroom. Bathrobes are provided in each bedroom.

1. Colonels Room (four poster ensuite) €695 per person

2. Oak Room (four poster ensuite) €695 per person

3. Night Nursery (four poster own shower/bathroom) €665 per person

4. Butterfly Room (double own shower/bathroom) €665 per person

5. Yellow Room (twin own shower/bathroom) €665 per person

6. Sasha’s Room (double shared bathroom) €635 per person

7. Day Nursery (twin shared bathroom) €635 per person

Prices below are based on single occupancy and include luxury accommodation, meals and snacks and full tuition for the retreat programme.

Travel Information-

See for directions on travel to and from Lisnavagh.   

Participants travelling from abroad- please note this retreat does not include: Flights, travel insurance, additional meals and drinks or any other additional transfers or excursions


If travelling from abroad, please ensure that you are in possession of private travel insurance with protection for the full duration of your holiday in respect of medical expenses, accidents, injury, death, repatriation, theft, cancellation, curtailment etc.


Reserve your place through Eventbrite or contact Laura directly at or call 087-9633229 if you have any questions.

Early Booking is advised- Places are limited to create an intimate group dynamic and to provide individual attention.

Your booking will only be confirmed with a non-refundable deposit of 300, with full payment required by January 15th, 2018. 

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to Oct 30

The Wellbeing Festival

  • Waterford Institute of Technology Arena (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Wellbeing Ad with Logo.jpg


Exhibitor Information :  Elaine Woods Clarke 087 994 3776.

Tickets :  €10 per day (online only special 2 for 1 Saturday 28/10 and weekend ticket €20 (all three days) available through Eventbrite) .  Under 16's go free.  Extensive schedule of meditation, yoga, talks and workshops for both adults and children.

As the nature of Irish wellbeing evolves, a unique collaboration between Mary Sheridan of ‘Mind Body Spirit Dublin’, and Elaine Woods Clarke of ‘Wellbeing with Elaine’ is born. "The Wellbeing Festival" (incorporating Mind Body Spirit Dublin) has emerged from Mary's many years of experience with the Mind Body Spirit Festival and Elaine's extensive corporate and holistic background.

Mary and Elaine are transforming Mind Body Spirit Dublin into a unique Wellbeing Festival with the intention of amplifying the light consciousness, and heart centred nature of Ireland and our planet. This Festival will take Mind Body Spirit Dublin very firmly into this new era of light consciousness and heart centred living and is designed to bring together leading authorities from Ireland and the Globe, to showcase the diversity of natural health, complementary medicine, spiritual healing, and the human potential movement. The current rapid expansion of healing phenomena, requires an event in Ireland that provides a high quality, trustworthy environment for people of all backgrounds to share. We are confident that The Wellbeing Festival will celebrate the wisdom of the Irish people as Global Citizens, in collaboration with representatives of other nations. "Feed Your Mind Body & Spirit".



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to Oct 1

Dr Joe Dispenza Progressive Workshop

Dr. Joe Dispenza’s world famous Progressive Workshop is finally coming to Ireland! Dr. Joe shot to fame following his Hay House title ‘Breaking the Habit of Being yourself’ and his follow up ‘You Are the Placebo’. The Progressive Workshops follow on from his work offering you a break from your everyday life and learn his methods to achieve the miraculous! Click Here to Learn More


255 € early bird

300 € full price


Friday 29th September  18:00-19:00 -Registration

19:00-21:00 - Workshop

Saturday 30th September - 09:00-18:00 - Workshop

Sunday 1st October - 08:30-18:00 - Workshop


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3:30 PM15:30

Ask Your Guides - Sonia Choquette

  • City North Hotel & Conference Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Sonia Choquette is a celebrated worldwide author, spiritual teahcer, six-sensory consultant and transformational visionary guide and this is her first visit to Ireland in 14 years. An enchanting storyteller, Sonia is known for her delightful humour and adept skill in quickly shifting people out of psychological and spiritual difficulties and into a healthier energy flow. She is the author of 24 internationally best selling books on intuitive awakening, personal and creative growth, and the transformational leadership capabilities that reside within, most notably with the New York Times bestseller The Answer is Simple.

This fascinating and inspirational one day workshop with Sonia provides all the information you need to help you connect with your spirit guides so that you can enjoy all the love, abundance, and joy you are entitled to.

We are all spiritual beings with a spiritual support system on the other side.

During this day you will learn:

  • How to recognise guides
  • How to notice the different signature of guides
  • How to create a more accepting space, within yourself, to feel your guides.

Find out more and book your place at

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to May 28

Empowering Escape for the Mind, Body and Soul


Invigorate yourself by taking some time out to invest in you! Our seaside courses provide rest, reflection & rejuvenation. You will learn and experience easy, straightforward approaches, which will empower all aspects of you- Mind, Body & Soul- for deeper, more lasting, positive changes.

Course Workshops including Two Course Lunches:

€165 per person

Secure your place by paying €65 deposit today

MIND- Learn how to get your mind working for you rather than against you. By examining the attitudes and mindsets that produce success & happiness in life, and analysing how the mind works; you will learn how to truly impact your behaviour, your experiences and what you attract into your life. With this empowering knowledge, you will understand how to effectively influence your body, feed your soul and overall, become a much more positive you!

BODY- Learn simple but powerful tips in nutrition which will improve your daily lifestyle to get the best out of your body. By discoverng the small changes that can have big impacts, you will gain a more thorough understanding about what works best for you in order to boost your energy and overall wellbeing. Get active by enjoying fun, motivating fitness classes, to suit all levels, which will invigorate not only the body but the mind and soul as well.

SOUL- Learn how to find meaning, purpose and passion in life by answering questions from a deeper place of consciousness. Define your goals and dreams by considering the 7 important areas in your life- personal goals, relationships, health / body, career / education, recreation, financial and contribution. Experience meditation and the benefits of mindfulness in order to develop the art of mindful living so that you can begin to bring these practices into your busy day to day lives. By doing this, you will understand how to rebalance your life and focus on the importance of the mind, body and soul connection.

“It was the key that unlocked the lock for me” - Therese

“The speakers were knowledgeable, insightful & engaging. I didn’t see the time passing as I was so engrossed throughout” - Kay

“I am now full of inspiration to go off & make some positive changes to my life.” - Yvonne

Join Clair Swinburne (Author & Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming)

Shelley Atkins (Fitness & Nutrition Teacher) and

Lisa Hamilton (Life Coach & Meditation / Mindfulness Practitioner)

for the ultimate weekend for the senses.


 Visit for more details / to book:


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Angela’s passion for discovering how to attain the “Divine Design” in one’s life has been a driving force for her since childhood. Angela, a Board Certified Naturopath, registered Holistic Health Practitioner and Energy Kinesiologist, has taught and lectured internationally. She developed a program known as Polarity Reflex Analysis and Nutritional Assessment (P.R.A.N.A,) and in 2000 was the guest speaker at the Medical Breast Cancer Conference in Grado, Italy, representing the alternative health care field. As a clinician for over three and a half decades, Angela brings to the teaching and lecture circuit all of the skills that actually work on clients in a clinical setting, as opposed to theoretical solutions that may or may not be effective. Angela counsels her clients that they are already whole, complete and perfect and are designed to be happy, healthy and prosperous.


The Karmic Cleansing System

We have been going about healing ourselves all wrong!  We have been spending our time identifying and attacking the disease, detoxing the disease or changing lifestyles, and we still have the same problems, only more of them.  My patients inspired the Karmic Cleansing System, through the discovery of the belief they were victims to their bodies instead of having dominion over it.  I discovered this belief was not a personal belief, but a collective belief.  This occurred because of imprinted patterned karmic thinking they inherited either through DNA, or past experiences from another time, or from early childhood. They did not choose these beliefs they just had them!

Learn how to identify how Karmic imprinted beliefs affect your health and vitality.  The mind is divided into two: higher mind and lower mind.

               •             Lower-mind frequencies are focused on survival – fear-based                                                 thinking.

               •             Higher-mind frequencies are focused on spirit – love-based thinking.

When you clean and release the lower mind karmic imprint frequencies, the mind becomes free to integrate and align with higher-mind energies so that optimal health is enjoyed at any age.  

Join us for a couple of hours of fun, discovery and enlightenment about how the frequency of the state of your health, is dictated by the frequency that you are vibrating at in your consciousness.  The frequency of your consciousness is dictated by your lower mind or your higher mind.  Enjoy the process of learning about your Real self, your Higher self. 

Further information call Rosaleen 086 8188123 or email Rosaleen Kelly

 Cost €10 per person.

Pay on Door. 

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to Jun 26

An Empowering Escape for the Mind Body & Soul

  Enjoy a rejuvenating break and learn empowering practices that will inspire clear, simple, positive changes in your life.

 Reinvigorate yourself at Seafield Hotel, Ballymoney, the 4* beach side hotel & award winning spa. Learn & experience easy, straightforward approaches, which will empower all aspects of you- Mind, Body & Soul- for deeper more lasting positive changes.

 MIND- Learn how to get your mind working for you rather than against you. By examining the attitudes and mindsets that produce success & happiness in life, and analysing how the mind works; you will learn how to truly impact your behaviour, your experiences and what you attract into your life. With this empowering knowledge, you will understand how to effectively influence your body, feed your soul and overall, become a much more positive you!

 BODY- Learn simple but powerful tips in nutrition which will improve your daily lifestyle to get the best out of your body. By discoverng the small changes that can have big impacts, you will gain a more thorough understanding about what works best for you in order to boost your energy and overall wellbeing. Get active by enjoying fun, motivating fitness classes, to suit all levels, which will invigorate not only the body but the mind and soul as well.

 SOUL- Learn how to find meaning, purpose and passion in life by answering questions from a deeper place of consciousness. Define your goals and dreams by considering the 7 important areas in your life- personal goals, relationships, health / body, career / education, recreation, financial and contribution. Experience meditation and the benefits of mindfulness in order to develop the art of mindful living so that you can begin to bring these practices into your busy day to day lives. By doing this, you will understand how to rebalance your life and focus on the importance of the mind, body and soul connection.

 Join Clair Swinburne (Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming) Shelley Atkins (Fitness & Nutrition Teacher) and Lisa Hamilton (Life Coach) for the ultimate weekend for the senses.

 Course Workshops on Sat & Sun

and Two Course Lunches each day €165 per person


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to May 22

Dante, Florence & The Enneagram



FULLY BOOKED.  Come and join us as we explore the spiritual journey as illustrated through the Enneagram and Dante’s timeless literary masterpiece, “The Divine Comedy” in Florence, Italy, Dante’s birthplace, the city that gave birth to the Renaissance, sometimes referred to as “the Athens of the Middle Ages”.


Over four days in the centre of historic Florence we’ll journey through the nine circles of the Inferno, the seven terraces of Purgatory, and the nine spheres of Paradise as Dante shows us the path toward personal and spiritual growth in his timeless literary masterpiece.

This in-depth exploration of the Enneagram through the work of Dante and his remarkable poem will take the form of lectures, group discussion and experiential work.    There will also be a guided tours of places associated with Dante’s life and the action of the Comedy such as Santa Croce, and we will visit Casa di Dante -Dante’s house in Florence.

Knowledge of the Enneagram and your own type is a requirement. (An introductory course to the Enneagram will be held in Dublin on Sat. October 31st from 10.00am-5.30pm)

Accommodation will be provided at the Suor Oblate convent, a simple town villa which expands behind a typically simple Florentine entrance, presenting grand spaces, over several floors with good sized rooms and common areas all beautifully maintained with antique furnishing, peaceful guest spaces & a beautiful Italian renaissance garden. It’s a great location in the heart of this famous Italian city with lots of restaurants nearby which offer food to suit all palates.

Fees: Early Bird until Feb 15th, 2016: €755.00 single; €795.00 pp double, thereafter €855.00 & €895.00.

Residing off site: €525.00 (limited places, includes everything other than Bed & Breakfast).

Price includes 4 nights B&B accommodation in the historic centre of Florence, all tours, presentations and two evening meals.  Note: there’s an evening ‘curfew’ in the convent of 11.30pm.

Non-residential, including tours and evening meals as described above: €525.00. We can suggest accommodation nearby.

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