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CANCELLED - The New Consciousness Children - Dr Alweena Awan

  • Zoom Seminar Dublin, County Dublin Ireland (map)

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Children seem to be coming into this world in a more evolved and heightened state of awareness. Before they have been exposed to all of our incongruities and limitations, they are a immense source of wisdom and inspiration.

Greta Thunberg is an example of someone who has transgressed her conventional label of Asperger, and is showing the world that she is re-ordered not dis-ordered!

These children are connected, congruent, coherent , present and authentic .They state precisely what they know to be true for them. They speak from a place of certainty and authenticity about something that they genuinely feel, and then, most frequently, simply are present. Love, light, and compassion are the dominant themes of their inner remembering. They need to feels safe and nurtured so they can to speak of their own unique inner knowing about the world beyond this physical domain. In order to do so they need to feel safe and in control of their bodies via being Physically Literate.

 Yet these children seem to be misunderstood, constantly labelled, struggling in the education system and emotionally.

This seminar is about the following:

  • What are they like ?

  • What is the role of these children?

  • How do we best support and nurture them ?

  • Why Physical Literacy is important?

  • How is Physical Literacy hindered?

  • What kind of education do they need?

  • and the way forward!

This information will be of value to teachers, educators, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and anyone linked children.

Dr Alweena Awan received her Doctorate in “Raising Children's Learning and Performance in Schools”, in 2008. She is the Founder of The Child Centre Method - Learning and Behaviour Program®. She is also the originator of CHILD, which is the Centre for Holistic Improvement in Learning and Development, which she created in 2004.
Her knowledge and application of learning and behavioural improvement methodologies for children is unique. She is a published author on the subject of using holistic methods to help children learn . Specifically, she holds the greatest expertise in the identification and rehabilitation of retained reflexes and Physical Literacy. 

Dr Awan has  trained teachers, chiropractors, health care professionals, therapists and parents in her methods, and in the process has helped children to overcome a variety of challenges and to live more fulfilling lives. The Child Centre Method has been used in schools in the UK , Ireland, Brazil and Malaysia. 

Her experience as an academic, combined with her in depth learning and development of energetic medicinal practices make Alweena a unique figure in this field. She has successfully treated hundreds of clients with issues ranging from the physical, to the mental / emotional and spiritual.

More information here