Lyn Furlong - Tutor and Member of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers
Have you ever wondered what animals are thinking and how they are feeling?
Learn how to communicate effectively with both domestic and wild animals
Animals are naturally able to tune into each other, receiving thoughts, mental images, emotions and intentions. Animal communication is not something developed through mental exercises, it requires love, empathy and a unity as spiritual beings to be able to handle the communication received with balance and wisdom. It is important that we respect their differences from us in physical form, yet acknowledging that we are all of the same spiritual essence. Expanding thought patterns, opening to all possibilities and unlocking the door to unconditional love is where miracles happen. Lyn Furlong’s workshops show you how to telepathically open up to the wonderful free spirit of every animal, with respect, compassion and acceptance. It is a path of understanding and self discovery on which you can have fun and enjoy the journey.
Saturday 10 am - 5 pm
Sunday 9.45 am - 5 pm
Wear comfortable clothes so that you can be completely relaxed
Bring high quality printed photographs of your own animals ensuring they are alone, with no other people or animals no flash or red eye in the picture
No photo’s on phones or iPads
Fee: €250.00
For information and to book call 087 6996714 or copy and paste the below link to your browser